Introduction to Basic Logic – a Priorean Approach

A.N. Prior (1914-69) was not only a great logician and philosopher. He was also very interested in teaching logic. In fact, he wrote an brief introduction to logic, First Things in Logic, as a gift to his own children, Martin and Ann. In 1955 he published the book, Formal Logic. It offers a general introduction to logic in three parts:

  1. The classical propositional and functional calculi
  2. The tradional logic of terms
  3. Modal, three-valued and extensional systems

More about the two books can be found in the list of references.

The present material contains one example from each of the three parts of logic in an modern form.

  1. Classical propositional logic
  2. Classical syllogisms
  3. 3 videos on questions in modal and temporal logic

Arthur N. Prior (1914-69)


Prior, A.N. (1954), First Things in Logic (handwritten). Published in 2014 by Aalborg University Press.
Prior, A.N. (1955), Formal Logic, Oxford University Press.
Prior, A.N. (1957), Time and Modality, Oxford University Press.
Prior, A.N. (1967), Past, Present and Future, Oxford University Press.
See also:
This material has been gathered and developed by Peter Øhrstrøm, web page arranged and developed by Simon Pacis.